It would appear hedgehogs are ungrateful beasts. Regent’s Park is a vast wilderness that must just be the perfect hedgehog home range.
Various Old Posts
Health and Wellbeing – Green Cities
Health and wellbeing, as an issue in cities, is becoming an increasingly important agenda.
London habitats 1 – green roofs
Habitats for wildlife in London are varied. Would most Londoners think of green roofs in the capital as wild space? I suspect not. And I am pretty sure most Londoners would not be aware of their existence.
Boar’s throat thistle – old brickworks Kent
Long may the Carline thistle flourish and it’s golden brown flowers be a banner proclaiming that poor soils are in fact good soils for biodiversity.
Insignificant bridge with a significant tale to tell – Andau
'If you cross the bridge you are in Hungary' was all the book had said. There was no reference to the memorial or that for many in 1956 it was...
April Leaves and Blossoms – my #treeyear
Although I have cheated a little and have two trees I am enjoying the differences.
Wildflowers at the Lizard, Cornwall
the cliffs were blossoming with clifftop plants. And many of these plants are suited to green roofs.
Bromeliads at Kew Gardens
During the filming of the Rooftop Rainforest TV programme for Sky 1 we ended up in the Tropical Rainforest House at Kew Gardens. I was filmed talking with Lara Jewitt an orchid and bromeliad expert.
Reflections of being a Punk for a day
'The Barclays building in Canary Wharf has a green roof designed by former punk and urban ecologist Dusty Gedge of, who thinks it's...