I used to see foxes when I was a child in the countryside but rarely. Since I moved to London, 30 years ago, they are almost a daily sight.
A hairstreak on the heath
The hairstreak moved around the ragwort unperturbed. For ten minutes it slowly worked the golden florets.
Habitats – wildflower verges and buses
Wildflower verges – we need more wildflower verges in London like those on Blackheath. Blanket mowing of roadside grass really needs to become the rarity not the norm in London.
Starlings – murmurations to breakfast
Starlings summon up images of great murmurations in the sky. Flocks of wheeling dark dots morphing and merging as they come into roost.
Wetlands, Rain Gardens and PDX summit
Yesterday I had the pleasure of taking Amy Chomowicz from Portland (PDX) onto the wetland green roof at the V&A museum. Amy Chomowicz from PDX...
Wildlondoncomp – Bee wolves and why?
The Bee wolf main claim to fame is that it hunts honey bees. Hence its name ‘wolf’. But it is also a good pollinator.
Buildings, birds, Wildlondoncomp
Anyone familiar with my work over the last 20 or so years in London will know my association with the black redstart. It was in fact, how i became involved in green roofs.
London habitats 1 – green roofs
Habitats for wildlife in London are varied. Would most Londoners think of green roofs in the capital as wild space? I suspect not. And I am pretty sure most Londoners would not be aware of their existence.
Butterfly Count 2015
The Big Butterfly Count has only a few days to go. It finishes on 9th August. Since 17th July I have been out counting on Blackheath. Map of...